Auckland United FC

Auckland United Football Club plays in the New Zealand Northern League. It’s premier men’s team, who utilise Lumin Sports to manage athletic performance, team operations and injury management, have also qualified for the New Zealand National League each year since the league’s inception in 2021.

‘’The makeup of our squad ranges between 16-35 years of age which includes former international players, age group international players and aspiring professional players. I have experiences with many different platforms but didn’t find one that suited all our needs like Lumin Sports does.’’ Jose Manuel Figueira, Head Coach, Auckland United.

Platform Tier: Lumin Core
Pain Points & Challenges
Collecting and evaluating wellness data

- No way to seamlessly collect subjective daily wellness data and visualise it in conjunction with objective load measurements.

Communication between coaches and players

- Team and personal communication was split amongst different platforms, making it difficult to maintain communication and feedback loops.

App fatigue

-The club used multiple platforms to not only collect athletic load data but also to communicate, increasing the amount of administration required to manage a comprehensive performance department.

Solutions & Impact
Daily Wellness and RPE surveys

Allowing athletes to complete daily RPE and wellness questionnaires via the Lumin mobile app has given Auckland United’s coaching staff greater insight into how athletes are feeling and presenting from a mood, fatigue, stress, soreness, and sleep quality perspective. On top of that, the ability to view subject data in conjunction with objective GPS data via Lumin’s interactive and customisable reports enables coaches to manage player load more effectively.

‘’On a number of occasions, we have managed to get ahead of potential fatigue/injury issues as well as general wellbeing/motivation issues before they’ve even happened. Being able to see the trends in the data means I can quickly communicate with players that may be overreaching/over training.’’ Jose Manuel Figueira, Head Coach, Auckland United.

Noticeboard and Postgame Surveys

Lumin’s Noticeboard feature and its instant messaging tool, Chats, has centralised United’s communication on both a team and individual level.

‘’The noticeboard feature has been a great addition in that we can keep main comms or updates all in one place. It also gives me the ability to share session plans pre-training with the players. With the post-match questionnaire, I am able to see the feelings and thoughts of players about their own and team mates’ performances. These are great conversation starters for me at our next training session.’’
Jose Manuel Figueira, Head Coach, Auckland United.

One App – Consolidated Multiple Platforms

Auckland United has reduced the number of platforms it requires to run its football department. The combination of athletic performance and team operations features has seen Lumin become the primary app United use to power its team.

‘’Previously as a staff we were working across multiple platforms and apps to capture the information needed. Having everything in one place now means our work flow and processes have become more efficient.
 The Lumin Sports platform has saved me a lot of time!
 Jose Manuel Figueira, Head Coach, Auckland United.

The Data

170+ Player Tech GPS imports *at time of publishing
athlete reported medical flags per month *in-season average