Norwich University

Norwich University Athletics representing Norwich University in Northfield, Vermont, is a proud and tradition-rich collegiate Athletics program. The ‘Cadets’ compete in the New England Women's and Men's Athletic Conference (NEWMAC).

Norwich Athletics engaged Lumin Sports to optimise athlete wellbeing and load management processes. Because the university has a small team of performance and coaching staff who manage more than 600 athletes primarily across football, soccer and hockey, Norwich required a platform that effectively visualised performance data, streamlined communication between athletes and staff while not adding more administrative work to the already under-resourced department.

Platform Tier: Lumin Core
Pain Points & Challenges
Communication between S&C and Trainers

- Inefficient communication channels lead to miscommunication and slow response times.

- Difficulty organizing and tracking changes in athlete programs between coaches and trainers.

- Inability to receive prompt feedback regarding athlete progress or return-to-play updates.

Coach to Athlete Ratio

- Limited opportunities for one-on-one training due to high athlete-to-coach ratio

- Managing large amounts of data from numerous athletes while ensuring every athlete receives proper attention and focus.

- Difficulty balancing programming and individualized programming tailored to athlete's needs.

Lack of Load and Wellness Insights

- Limited data regarding athlete health and wellness leading to missed opportunities for interventions.

- Difficulty identifying and addressing athlete needs and weaknesses without proper data collection.

- Lack of understanding of the athlete's response to training, making it difficult to adjust.

Solutions & Impact
Streamlined Communication

Lumin’s Noticeboard feature creates a centralized hub for all communication, ensuring that coaches stay informed and aligned on critical team matters.

The Noticeboard reduces miscommunication, improves coordination, and enhances overall efficiency.

Improved Planning

Lumin’s Scheduler feature helps coaches effectively plan and manage team activities.

Coaches can easily schedule practices, games, workouts, and avoid commitment clashes in order to maximize player development and team cohesion.

Enhanced Student-Athlete Experience

The Lumin mobile app gives student-athletes clear visibility on critical team information, their schedules, wellness metrics and sleep data. This transparency engages them in order to create better buy-in into their programs while helping them manage their time effectively, reduce stress and enhance their overall experience.

The Data

Reduction in admin time
Platforms consolidated because of the Lumin platforms centralisation
Athletes across more than 5 sport faculties using the platform
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